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1. 一般事項 GENERAL

  • 本店接受現金/PayMe/轉數快付款,暫不接受信用卡或支票付款。除按金外所有已付金額不設退款。
    We accept cash/PayMe/FPS as payment methods, but do not accept credit cards or cheque. The customer understands that all payments, except security deposits, are non-refundable.

  • 本店乃一人營運,店主身兼數職,不會長駐店內,只會按顧客預約之時段開門營業顧客必須於至少24小時前預約;若需更改時間,必須於至少12小時前聯絡本店,以作安排。
    - 星期一至五11AM至7PM
    - 星期六11AM至3PM
    - 星期日及公眾假期休息
    This shop is a one-man band with only the shop owner running the business and serving customers. The owner has multiple jobs and does not station in the shop. The shop only opens according to customer’s appointment. All customers must book an appointment at least 24 hours in advance; and make changes of appointment at least 12 hours in advance. 
    Our available appointment time:
    - Monday to Friday 11AM-7PM
    - Saturday 11AM-3PM
    - Sunday & Public Holidays Closed


  • 試身的顧客可預約一小時之時段;而提取及歸還租用或訂購之產品(包括婚紗、飾物、佈置、道具)的顧客,則可預約半小時之時段如顧客於預約之時段內未有出現或臨時更改時間,而遇上之後時段已有其他客人預約等情況,本店恕未能確保可於當日為顧客順延或更改時間,顧客或需另行預約其他日子及時間,本店並不負責顧客因此而導致之任何損失。
    For dress fitting, the customer can book an one hour session; for collecting and returning rental items or ordered items (including wedding dresses, accessories, decorations, props), the customer can book an half hour session. If the customer does not show up within the booked session or requests for sudden rescheduling, and under the circumstances when the shop owner already has other appointments scheduled, we cannot guarantee such delay or change of time on the same day. The customer may have to make a new appointment on another day and time, and we do not take responsibility for any losses that may be caused at the customer end. 

  • 顧客確定租用產品時,須繳付總金額之80%作為訂金,以預留租用期。顧客須於提取租用之產品當日繳付餘額及按金,不同產品的按金數額不同,須以現金/PayMe/轉數快支付,暫不接受支票支付。因遺失或損壞、逾期歸還或無法歸還租用之產品而導致的罰款或賠償,將會從按金中扣除。(詳情請參看以下3. 按金及罰款)
    When reserving a rental period, a BOOKING FEE equal to 80% of the total rental fee is payable to lock the said period. The customer must pay the balance and a SECURITY DEPOSIT when collecting the rental item(s). Each rental item has different amount of security deposit. The security deposit should be paid by cash/PayMe/FPS, we do not accept cheque at the moment. Any cost incurred as a result of LOST OR DAMAGED, LATE RETURNS or NON RETURNS of the rental item(s) will be payable from the security deposit. (Please refer to 3. SECURITY DEPOSIT & CHARGES below for details)


  • 租用期以合約為準,顧客須於合約寫明的歸還日期歸還所有租用之產品,否則須繳付逾期歸還罰款。顧客如欲延長租用期,必須事先與本店洽商及簽約作實,並繳付按日計算之延長租用期費用;顧客如欲提早歸還產品,亦須事先與本店溝通及預約歸還日期和時間,本店只會按顧客預約之時間開門營業。
    The customer accepts that the rental period is that stated on the signed contract and all rental items must be returned on time as specified, otherwise a late return charge will be applied. No extensions to the rental period will be accepted without written agreement and consent. An extension fee, which is calculated on a daily basis and varies per item, will also be charged. If the customer wants to return the rental item(s) on an earlier date, he/she would need to communicate and book an appointment with us in advance. Our shop only opens according to customer’s appointment. 


  • 如顧客因任何原因未能如期取用租用之產品或取消租用,已付金額恕不獲退回。
    Should the rental item(s) not be collected or in the event of cancellations, any payment that has already been made is non-refundable.


  • 如顧客的婚攝或婚禮因特殊情況而需延期,並在租用期至少一星期前通知本店,我們會酌情考慮為顧客作出一次性的延緩租用期安排,有效期為原本租用期起計九個月之內,而能否成功安排亦視乎租用之產品屆時之空檔期;若未能成功安排,已付金額恕不獲退回。
    In the case of postponement of functions/events due to special circumstances, if the customer informs us at least one week before the rental period, we will consider an one-time rescheduling of rental period within nine months from the original rental date. Whether such change can be successfully arranged is also subject to availability of the rental item(s). If such change cannot be arranged, any payment that has already been made is not refundable.


  • 顧客提取租用之產品時須確定產品完好無缺,所有產品出門後有任何遺失、損壞、錯誤,均屬顧客之責任。
    The customer accepts that all rental items are received complete and in good condition. The customer is responsible for the items once they have left our shop. We accept no responsibility for any missing, damaged, or incorrect items once they have left the shop and/or accepted by the customer.


  • 顧客同意會小心及安全使用所有租用之產品,本店恕不負責顧客因不小心及安全使用租用之產品而導致之任何人身或財產損失。
    The customer understands that all rental items are used at the customer's own risk and will use with caution. We take no responsibility to the customer or third party for loss, damage to property or injury to the person(s) in any form.


  • 所有產品之租金或價格,以及任何折扣或其他優惠,如有更改恕不另行通知,本店保留最終決定權。
    All prices and any discounts or other offers are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right of final decision.


  • 本店不提供改裙服務。有別於其他婚紗店的傳統婚紗設有紙口位作更改尺寸之用,本店大部分婚紗的剪裁、設計和花紋都是較為精細和複雜,或者是具收藏價值的古董婚紗,因此大多是不能在可還原的情況下隨意更改尺寸。顧客絕不能自行改裙,或以任何形式更改婚紗原有之尺寸和設計,除非事先獲得本店同意並簽約作實,否則本店有權向顧客收取維修或重置該婚紗之所有費用。
    We do not provide dress alterations. Unlike traditional wedding dresses in other bridal shops which are made with seam allowance, many of our dresses have more delicate, complicated cutting, designs, and patterns, or are authentic vintage collectables, and thus are mostly not alterable. The customer must not alter or make any additions to the dress or in any other manner interfere with the dress during the rental period unless it is agreed by us and stated in the contract, otherwise we have the right to charge the customer the repair cost or full cost of replacing the dress.


  • 如顧客改變主意,希望轉換租用之婚紗款式,本店可為顧客轉款一次。若轉換之款式的租金較原本款式為高,顧客需彌補差價;若轉換之款式的租金較原本款式為低,顧客不會獲得退回差價。能否成功安排轉款視乎該款式屆時之空檔期,若未能成功安排,而顧客選擇放棄原本租用之婚紗,已付金額恕不獲退回。
    If the customer changes mind and wants to rent another dress, we would accept making one-time change for the customer. The customer needs to pay the price difference if the replacement dress has a higher rental price than the original one, but will not be refunded the price difference if the replacement dress has a lower rental price than the original one. Whether such change can be successfully arranged is subject to availability of the dress. If such change cannot be arranged and the customer chooses to forfeit the original dress, any payment that has already been made is not refundable.


  • 無論在任何情況下,顧客都不得嘗試以任何方式清潔婚紗(包括乾洗、冷水清洗、手洗或其他方式)。如因自行清潔婚紗而導致婚紗有任何損毀,本店有權向顧客收取維修或重置該婚紗之所有費用。
    Under no circumstances should the customer attempt to clean any dresses themselves (dry clean, cold wash, hand wash or any other way). If done so, we reserve the right to charge the customer the repair cost or full cost of replacing the dress.


  • 顧客在租用期內有責任小心保管和使用婚紗,如在戶外拍攝,尤其是在草地或沙灘,走路時請拿起裙擺,切勿拖行,並避免接觸海水,以及其他會產生頑固污漬的物品,如泥濘、汽油、墨水、咖啡、茶、紅酒等等。如顧客歸還婚紗時,婚紗出現超越正常使用之損毀或污漬,顧客須向本店繳付維修或重置該婚紗之所有費用。
    Our dresses are in the sole responsibility of the customer during the rental period. The customer should use and handle the dress with love and care. If you need to take photos outdoors, especially on lawns or beaches, please kindly hold the train of the dress while walking and do not go into the sea water to avoid damages or stains. Please avoid the dress from contacting things such as mud, petrol/gasoline, ink pens, ball pens, coffee, tea, red wine, etc., which would cause irreversible stains. If a dress is returned in a damaged or dirty condition that exceeds normal wear and tear or is ruined beyond repair, as determined by our team in its sole discretion, the customer agrees that we may charge you for the repair cost or the full cost of replacing the dress.


  • 顧客歸還婚紗時需一拼歸還本店提供的掛衣袋、衣架及配飾收納袋,否則需各付HKD50之罰款。
    The customer should also return all the packaging including garment bags, clothes hangers and storage bags. Any loss of these items would incur a surcharge of HKD50 per piece.


The customer must pay a security deposit for each rental item at the point of collection. The security deposit will be fully refunded when the customer returns the rental items on time and without damaged or dirty condition that exceeds normal wear and tear. In case of any of the below circumstance, we would deduct the penalty charges from the security deposit.


  • 遺失或損壞 – 如顧客遺失或損壞任何租用之產品,須繳付維修或重置該產品之費用。
    Lost or damaged - If a rental item is lost or damaged, a repair or replacement cost of the item has to be covered by the customer.

  • 逾期歸還 – 每項逾期歸還之產品,每逾期一天之罰款為該產品原價租金的50%。
    Late returns - A charge equal to 50% of the ORIGINAL RENTAL FEE BEFORE DISCOUNT will accrue for each date late on return of each item.

  • 無法歸還 – 如顧客不歸還租用之產品,或者於歸還日期的三天內沒有歸還租用之產品,我們將會收取全數按金。
    Non returns - If a customer decides not to return any rental items back to us, or if we do not receive the return within 3 days of the agreed return date, we will charge the customer the full amount of the security deposit.

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